Elaine Mo speaks on RESI AI in Healthcare Investor Panel


Redefining Early Stage Investments (RESI) | San Francisco, California - Ascend's Elaine Mo was invited to speak on at the Redefining Early Stage Investments' (RESI) AI in Health Investor Panel during the annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco, California.

Artificial intelligence is widely seen as the new frontier of tech innovation, and many applications for the technology have been found in healthcare.  Scientist-entrepreneurs are exploring AI diagnostics, AI drug discovery, AI imaging analysis, AI for personalized medicine, and more.  At RESI San Francisco, a panel of investors who focus on this field will discuss how they see the risks and opportunities that are arising for AI in healthcare.

The distinguished panel focused on the many applications of AI in healthcare, from pathology applications to diagnostics to personalized medicine. Topics included:

  • What are investors looking for when evaluation AI companies in the healthcare space

  • Where is AI in healthcare now and where is it going

  • What are the challenges facing AI, including regulatory challenges

  • What is the potential of AI in the future of healthcare

Panelists discussed what is AI in healthcare and how it is different from machine learning, what applications are the most exciting and how to catch an investor's interest in the space. In addition, panelists discussed the risks associated with such new technology where the regulatory pathway is not yet clearly defined. RESI has become the premier global partnering conference because Life Science Nation (LSN) can match early-stage companies with compelling technology assets to early-stage investor and channel partners. LSN’s RESI conference is cross domain and is relevant to early-stage buyers and sellers across the silos of Drugs, Devices, Diagnostics and Digital Health, the “4 Ds”. RESI caters to both the earliest stage startups, those seeking grants, seed and angel capital, and the early stage firms who seek series A and B funding. Because LSN organizes a RESI conference every few months, fundraising CEOs and investment partners can incorporate RESI into their monthly global business activities.

RESI has around 1500 global investors and channel partners that regularly attend 3 or more RESI conferences a year. LSN estimates that over 350 companies have raised over $500m dollars as a result of including RESI as part of their fundraising strategy. In 2019, the RESI conference series expands from North America to include Europe and Asia.

Find more information about RESI here: https://www.resiconference.com/

Photo courtesy of RESI


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